Velocity-grid-based 2D fluid simulation with effects that interestingly enough resemble Navier-Stokes simulations (well, a little anyway).
This is the new-and-improved fluid simulation in action. I'm perturbing the 'blue milk' with my mouse. Watch for the darker region form and expand behind the point of perturbation. Due to finer resolution of the velocity grid, the linear artifacts apparent in the earlier version have disappeared and it now looks smooth in all directions.
Using my modified version of ffdshow, which sends a video's motion vectors via UDP to an external application, I visualised the motion vectors from The Matrix: Reloaded inside my fluid simulation. The grid resolution is set based upon the macro-block resolution in the video sequence and each type-16x16 motion vector controls one spatially-matching point on the velocity grid. The following visualisation is taken from the scene where they are discussing the threat to Zion while inside the Matrix before Neo senses that agents are coming (followed by Smith) and tells the ships' crews to retreat.
The final video is on YouTube, with the MVs overlaid on top of the source video.
The MVs alone are shown below: